Other Feminisms launched four years (and two children) ago! We began with 131 readers I collected from a google form I’d circulated on twitter, and there are now over 4700 of you who have joined this community!
My posting frequency has ebbed and flowed a little with my job, children, and my next book The Dignity of Dependence, out next fall. Other Feminisms is free to all readers, and I’m very grateful to the paid subscribers who contribute simply for the sake of allowing me to say no to something else so I can afford to say yes to this.
In the coming year, I’d like to be able to draw more on other voices. My favorite part of running this substack is the sustained conversation that takes place in the comment section.
While twitter posts come and go, my writing here always provokes thoughtful, detailed responses from you. And I love to see commenters sharing advice with each other or commiserating about the ways the world does not welcome women because it has a horror of dependence,
In the coming year, I’d like to borrow a bit from my first adventure with Substack,
, where I invited someone I admired to discuss a short-form work. (The energy of a book club, but at a more manageable length).I can easily think of people I’d like to engage:
, , , , Maureen Swinger of Plough, and many more.I’d like to hear from you a little about what format of dialogue would work best for you. I’d like to commit to releasing one dialogue (in some form) in November and December, and then to see what could be sustainable going forward.
Definitely shorter rather than longer. I also have young kids to work around. And I love the idea of you and someone else reading and responding to someone else’s work.
Leah I would LOVE to talk to you in any format you want!!! Let’s involve the babies though 💕 So maybe video so we can show off how cute they are. Admittedly mine is not yet born, but I am very confident he’ll be cute.