Apr 13, 2021Liked by Leah Libresco Sargeant

I *loooove* that you were able to work in a mention of zoning laws here. My city redefined its zoning laws just one month ago to allow up to six adults & minor children to legally share a household: https://myvillager.com/2021/03/17/saint-paul-redefines-what-constitutes-a-single-household/

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While I understand where Rosemary is coming from, I doubt having lay single groups could gather enough single celibates not looking for a spouse to form. We are sexually driven beings, not mere spirit-creatures. My understanding of vocation in Catholic terms is precisely that its pursuit is an active, intentional priority to either channel one’s sexual energy into marriage or else refrain and make an active decision to sacrifice this part of oneself, the strongest driving force we have as humans.

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