Oh, wow! Thoughts:

1. The "Peter Pan on Her 70th Birthday" article makes my heart 'catch' in my throat! Same with the note on Shakespeare's last 4 plays, and LeGuin stuff!

2. Welcome, new peeps! (If you browse through old posts and find ones you REALLY want to comment on, maybe you can note it here?)

3. I came up with 4 more "genres" (only ONE of which is an Actual Art Genre) that are good for telling those stories of "un-noticed virtues in hidden lives." (I think that the power of "good lived out in secret" being revealed and rejoiced over is one of the things I'm most looking forward to in the eschaton. So that's why I'm a little obsessed with this topic.)

Long, "boring" elaborations on thoughts I had:

The four genres which are mostly not real art genes are:

1. Children's Lit! (the one that actually is an art genre) Like a musical, (Leah's suggestion of a good genre for telling those stories) it is a heightened style. And the style is so appropriate because to young children, "ordinary" life is still strange and new, "small" moments are huge, and the transactions of the world are seemingly enacted by giants.

2. Sermon/homily! Its primary purpose is not to be art, but it may CONTAIN art- like a turn of phrase that's placed there for beauty. Or a story highlighting the life of someone who was godly comes forth in an artistic way.

3. Biography! Same deal! Also, sometimes when enthusiastically reading biographies of missionaries who are... maybe somewhat well-known to a subset of Christians... you come across an anecdote about a convert in a far land - maybe how she or he has been quietly carrying the Gospel in the face of persecution - and they are REALLY obscure. (and have a really beautiful soul.)

4. Fan art! (which is definitely not a SINGLE genre.) I thought of that when I stumbled onto this Spanish-language blog post about Spinning Silver: https://lunaturaoficial.com/2020/01/07/fantasia-del-medioevo-un-mundo-helado/

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deletedFeb 18, 2021Liked by Leah Libresco Sargeant
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Me too - I'm looking forward to it.

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