Oct 21, 2021Liked by Leah Libresco Sargeant

One suggestion I have is to experiment with social or hobby type threads once a month or so. Interacting with other commenters here usually feels like a deep and high stakes conversation, which is great, but it might be nice to interact like we're friends getting coffee every once in a while.

I'd also like to ponder over the idea of having some sort of live conversation on a topic, or at least to try it out. It could be in the form of picking one time and using Zoom breakout rooms to ensure that we discussed in smaller groups. I think it's one of those things that might be a big success or might be a flop and we might as well give it one or two tries to see how well it works.

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I think you should write an Other Feminisms book!

I also like the idea of compiling a quarterly series of essays based off of the comment exchanges in the threads.

Or, alternatively - spin up an online publication (relatively easy and cheap) and you could commission writing from other authors (or, better, make it a writer owned publication!). Digital advertising could provide revenue, substack & social could feed you readers.

I also think you could be an incredible convener of thoughtful conversations between opposing activists and leaders. Perhaps each conversation would have a goal of finding 3-5 points of commonality or agreement as well > that could be the unique value of those conversations.

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I think it would be awesome to have a conference or symposium of some kind to have a concentrated dose of these great exchanges in an in-person format.

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I recently discovered the work of Leah A. Jacobson and would love to see an interview between the two of you!


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I'd like to see a discussion about developing a college course(s) on pro-life feminism. Considering what is being taught in Women's Studies programs, we need textbooks and students of our own to counter their message. I know of a few scholars and colleges that are interested, so I'd like to see this happen. If Roe is overturned, we need to be prepared to train a new mindset.

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What topics would you like to see covered in the next year?

Some more discussions of book we can read that cover alternative perspectives on feminism that support the Other Feminisms perspectives, for example, thinkers like Erika Bachiochi. But not especially Roman Catholic. Some Protestant conservative-leaning feminists? Secular women?

What more could I do to support connections among readers and commenters?

Reading groups and book reviews.

What other voices would you like to see incorporated into Other Feminisms, whether through interviews or guest posts?

Other feminism type thinkers and activists, like Erika Bachiochi or others of a similar vein.

What would you hope could be possible if I had five additional hours a week for the community and the project?


What if I had ten hours a week?

Zoom talks in a roundtable format?

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I have two suggestions. The first is a podcast! The second is a discussion forum-type format, where there would be a home page listing all the discussion topics, possible divided into subcategories. websleuths.com has the kind of format I have in mind.

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