Apropros of the recent election, one place where I purposefully add friction to my life is by voting in-person instead of using a no-excuse absentee ballot. I think it's good, wherever possible, to do my civic duties in public instead of the atomized environment of my home.
Society should be doing more to ensure that mothers can stay home and focus on their children and families. And families should be more willing to sacrifice comforts if less money coming in would allow mom to stay home with the kids.
It would be nice to have more cultural supports even within faith communities for young families who choose this route also. There's a lot of moral support for and among women who do paid work - there's a sisterhood in the struggles and a certain satisfaction that comes from recognition from your talents, even if it's just a paycheck. SAHMs tend to get a lot of lip service, but often it's seen as a "privileged" position because it's a "choice", there doesn't seem to be broad moral or practical support for this state.
I liken it somewhat to the contraceptive mentality. Because you could use contraception, (or even *NFP), to avoid pregnancy but don't, having children - especially if you have lots of children because you are blessed with abundant fertility - becomes a "choice." If you choose it when you could choose less, then the burden is on you alone.
*Necessary caveat: I'm not saying people shouldn't use NFP at all - I'm a 20 year Creighton user, but I have seen in some cases where, because pregnancy is always somewhat inconvenient - it also adds "friction" to one's life, some people use it to aggressively avoid pregnancy in order to carry on with their life as it is. What should be seen as the blessing of children is still tainted by the contraceptive mentality. (*Secondary caveat: these are NOT extreme situations I'm talking about, but situations of convenience.)
Apropros of the recent election, one place where I purposefully add friction to my life is by voting in-person instead of using a no-excuse absentee ballot. I think it's good, wherever possible, to do my civic duties in public instead of the atomized environment of my home.
Agree! I love taking my son, seeing my neighbors and chatting with the poll workers.
I got to take the girls for the first time this year!
Society should be doing more to ensure that mothers can stay home and focus on their children and families. And families should be more willing to sacrifice comforts if less money coming in would allow mom to stay home with the kids.
It would be nice to have more cultural supports even within faith communities for young families who choose this route also. There's a lot of moral support for and among women who do paid work - there's a sisterhood in the struggles and a certain satisfaction that comes from recognition from your talents, even if it's just a paycheck. SAHMs tend to get a lot of lip service, but often it's seen as a "privileged" position because it's a "choice", there doesn't seem to be broad moral or practical support for this state.
I liken it somewhat to the contraceptive mentality. Because you could use contraception, (or even *NFP), to avoid pregnancy but don't, having children - especially if you have lots of children because you are blessed with abundant fertility - becomes a "choice." If you choose it when you could choose less, then the burden is on you alone.
*Necessary caveat: I'm not saying people shouldn't use NFP at all - I'm a 20 year Creighton user, but I have seen in some cases where, because pregnancy is always somewhat inconvenient - it also adds "friction" to one's life, some people use it to aggressively avoid pregnancy in order to carry on with their life as it is. What should be seen as the blessing of children is still tainted by the contraceptive mentality. (*Secondary caveat: these are NOT extreme situations I'm talking about, but situations of convenience.)
"...but many mothers want to be with their children, not working longer hours to pay for other people’s care."
This last clause interests me. Paying for other people's care can mean different things.
Paying for other people to care for one's own children (when you would rather be a sahm)?
Paying for other people to care for their own children (you work longer hours, or take extra work to alleviate another person's responsibilities?)
The crux of the "Mommy Wars," if anything.